Costa Rica
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Número Anuncio: 10274413
Anunciante: ricaboats
Fecha: 02-10-2014
Categoría:  Nautica > Embarcaciones
35' Bertram Convertible $65,000 Few boats can rival the long production run enjoyed by the Bertram35 Convertible. For many, 35 feet is the ideal size for an offshore convertible short of going into serious debt. The Bertram 35’s interior layout is well-suited for family cruising, although she’s most at home as a fishing boat where her large cockpit, precise handling, and enviable seakeeping qualities are most appreciated. This boat is locate in LOS SUENOS MARINA where it is very difficult to get a slip .She is pored with twin Caterpillar 3116 with only 1000 hours SMOH. This reliable boat has had the important items all gone through as well as many extras added for comfort and convenience .

35 Bertram Convertible 65000  Few boats ca - Imagen 1 35 Bertram Convertible 65000  Few boats ca - Imagen 2

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